Volume 6 Issue 2
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Title : Dimensionality of Supervisory Role on Employees Performance in Manufacturing Organisations in Nigeria Authors : Obiwuru Timothy Chidi, Noruwa Ikponmwosa Abu
Abstract :
This paper focused on three variables investigating interactions with the dependent variable of level of supervisory duty experience of workers. The extent to which business organizations empower their managers is encapsulated in the manner in which the supervisor’s roles are designed and structured. Supervisory role logically derived from supervision is described as a term from the world of formal management and hierarchical systems. |
01-06 |
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Title : An Empirical Analysis of the Effect of Stock Market Crisis on Economic Growth: The Nigerian Experience Authors : Abu Ikponmwosa Noruwa
Abstract :
Stock market crashes are social phenomena where external economic events combine with crowd behavior and psychology in a positive feedback loop where selling by some market participants drives more market participants to sell. This study empirically established the relationship between stock market crisis and Nigeria’s economic growth and also showed the relationship between stock market price crash and the crisis itself. In this light, this paper examined the interactive influence of movements in the major indicators of the performance of the Nigerian Stock Exchange Market such as the Market Capitalization (MK), All Share Index (ASI), Number of Deals (NOD), Volume and Value of Stock (VV), Total Number of New Issues (TNI) and Inflation (INFR) on the Nigerian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) using data from 1985-2009. To achieve the two objectives stated above, the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method was employed. To correct for the OLS result biasness the log was applied to GDP and MK and also AR(1) was introduced to the first model. The result shows that stock market crisis has a highly significant effect on Nigeria’s economic growth. The result also shows a significant relationship between stock market price crash and the market crisis itself. It is therefore recommended that in the face of the ongoing crisis in the global stock market, the Nigerian stock market authorities should aim at making the market meet a world class standard. Also, all the sectors of the economy should act in a collaborative manner such that optimum benefits can be realized from their economic activities in the Nigeria market even in the hub of global crisis. |
07-12 |
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Title : Transaction Costs of Safaricom Mobile Phone Banking System and the Efficiency of Bill Payment in Kisii County Authors : Nyakeyo Lucy Okenyuri
Abstract :
Over several years, banking services using mobile phones have been available in developing as well as developed countries. However, it has been noted that there is still a big population who are registered with M-Pesa, but are not using the system to make their bill payments despite the attention that M-Pesa has received. The purpose of this study was to establish whether transaction costs of the Safaricom mobile phone banking system influenced the efficiency of bill payment in Kisii County. The study units were individual Safaricom customers using the M-Pesa platform and individual M-Pesa vendors. Purposive sampling was used to select 272 M-Pesa customers and vendors. Both primary and secondary data was obtained for this study. The results from the study indicated that the respondents in the study area perceive the M-Pesa system of bill payment as cost effective. In particular, respondents tended to agree that it’s cheaper making payment of bills through the use of M-Pesa than other modes, and that transactions through the system saves money that would be used as transport to go directly to recipients and make payment. Besides time is saved as people do not have to wait on queues to make payments. The M-Pesa bill payment system attracts low costs. The study also established that the system reduces the danger posed in handling money in cash to go and make payments. The study thus revealed that the M-Pesa bill payment transaction cost has a negative influence on customer’s efficiency in bill payment. |
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Title : Assessment Of Business Educators Competency Level In Teaching Office Application And Office Technology Segments Of Office Technology And Management Courses In Selected Polytechnics In North-East Nigeria
Authors : Nnaji Florence Oluchi, Hauwa Bawa Pyiki
Abstract :
The study titled Assessment of Business Educators Competency Level in Teaching Office Application and Office Technology segments of Office Technology and Management Courses in selected Polytechnics in Northeast of Nigeria was conducted to determine competency levels of office technology and management business educators. Two specific purposes, two research questions and two null hypotheses guided the study. Survey design was adopted for the study. The population of the study was 889 which comprised of 49 lecturers and 840 students. The entire population of lecturers and a sample of 262 students drawn out of 840 population of students using Taro Yamane formula constituted a sample size of 311 which was studied. A 25-item structured questionnaire on a 4 point Likert scale was used to elicit data for the study. The questionnaire was validated by two experts. Cronbach alpha reliability method was used to test the reliability of the instrument and it yielded a coefficient of 0.89 signifying that the instrument was reliable. The instrument was administered by the researchers and two research assistants, 98% of the questionnaire was properly completed and was used for the analysis. The weighted mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions. Independent t-test statistics was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed amongst others that business educators are very competent in teaching the two identified components of the business education courses namely, office application and office technology courses. There was significant difference between the mean responses of lecturers and students on the business educators’ competency level in teaching office application courses in some selected Polytechnics in Northeast Nigeria. It was recommended amongst others that business educators should encourage students of OTM to be creative and innovative so that they will not be idle after graduation because they are trained for paid jobs and for self-reliance. The spirit of self-reliance should be inculcated into them by teaching them to make frequent use of the machines in the model office and computer laboratory because they are expected to make use of similar machines in their work place. |
18-26 |
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Title : Recovery of Crude Oil from Aqueous Medium by Optimised Styrene/Kenaf Shive Graft-Based Sorbent Via Regeneration Method: Study of the Equilibrium, Kinetics and Activation Energy
Authors : Salisu Z. M., Ishiaku S.U., Abdullahi D, Yakubu M.K., Diya Uddeen B.H.
Abstract :
The area of research that cast the mind of many environmentalist is remediation of oil spilled environments. This paper addresses the development of new bio-based sorbent through ceric induced grafting. The effect studies of the individual and combine factors was carried out using a statistical experimental design matrix using five-level central composite design (CCD). Respond surface methodology (RSM) was used to optimise and develop equations of the variables (initiator concentration, monomer ratio and particle sizes). To the optimized sorbent, unmodified kenaf shive was compared with, it reveals a positive hydrophobic shift. However, instrumental analysis such as: XRD, FTIR, BET and DTA-TGA were carried out on the optimized sorbent. In addition, the capability of the oil sorption in water was reported and the kinetics and equilibrium isotherms employed fits respectively, the pseudo-second order and Langmuir isotherm with regression coefficient R2=0.9822 and R2=0.9900. The sorption property was found to be spontaneous and exothermic, however, the activation energy studies shows physic-sorption phenomenon with 25.6kJmol-1 and R2=0.9847. |
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Title : Influence of Tour Guide Job Satisfaction on their Performance Authors : Francis Kabii, Dr. John K.M. Wandaka, Prof. Moses Makonjio Okello
Abstract :
This main objective of the paper was to examine factors that influence tour guide performance in Kenya. This study is unique in the sense that it investigated a category of employees most of whom were in part-time and temporal employment. It examined tour job benefits and investigated how the benefits influence their job satisfaction job,and performance. The study applied both exploratory and descriptive designs. A total of 310 questionnaires were distributed where 250 were completed and returned. Binary logistic regression was used to analyze and generate a regression model. The findings indicated that job satisfaction influenced 13 % to 24 % of the guide’s performance and those satisfied with their job were 3.935 times more likely to perform better than those dissatisfied. There was a positive correlation between job satisfaction and performance. The finding pointes that guide who were insured had a higher level of job satisfaction, (e-1.502= 0.223) which increased their performance odds by 77% while having career development as a benefit increased satisfaction (e.1.924= 6.851) which also increased performance odds by 585%. Tour guides who were given on-job training as a benefit were more satisfied (e -1.557= 0.211) which increased performance odd by 78.9%. |
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Title : The Quest for Africa’s Trade Gowth: Intra-African Trade and the Proposed African Continental Free Trade Areas (AfCFTA): A Commodification of Old Practice or Maintenance of New Order? Authors : Daniel Idibia Obida
Abstract :
Regional organisations in Africa have existed for trade development in many years. There are existing organisations such as the Southern African Development Association (SADC), Eastern African Community (EAC), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Common Markets for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and the Harmonisation of Business Laws in Africa (OHADA). This study is set out to examine the legal implication of the intra-African trade agreement and the proposed African Continental Free Trade Areas (AfCFTA) in order to determine whether the idea behind the intra- practice or maintenance of the new order. While, it is conceded that the regulatory frameworks of NEPAD was aimed to boost Africa’s opportunities for industrialisation and trade growth in the region, the continent has remained rooted in the same position of poverty both at the regional and international level in terms of economic and human development. The study finds that the hypothesis that the creation of the AfCFTA may create and boost African market and create over 1.2 billion jobs, with a Gross Domestic Product of 2.5 trillion U.S dollars in terms of the number of participating countries may yet suffer another setback if not properly handled. The study concludes that given the antecedent of NEPAD and other regional organisations, Intra-African Trade and the AfCFTA is nothing but a new wine in an old wine bottle which calls for caution as it may be a commodification of an old order and not a new practice to bring growth to African trade. |
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Title : Entrepreneurship as a Strategic Tool for Ensuring Sustainable Development in Nigeria Authors : Hindu J Amin, Onyeukwu Pauline. E
Abstract :
The paper examines how entrepreneurship could be used as a strategic tool for sustainable development in Nigeria. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used in the study. Fifty,(50) entrepreneurs were used as the sample size out of the one Hundred and fifty,(150) entrepreneurs in Abuja based on convenient sampling. Statistical Package for Social Sciences, (SPSS) was use to evaluate the degree of relationships between the variables. The study discovered that inadequate infrastructure; like poor road network, poor electricity supply, insecurity and high interest rate have been hampering entrepreneurship in Nigeria. It concludes from the finding that innovation, creativity of entrepreneurs is the only sure way to sustainable development in Nigeria. The study recommends that, Nigerian government should provide enabling environment for entrepreneurs to strive. Financial institutions should also reduce interest rate to enable entrepreneurs to access bank loans. |
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Title : Qualities of Meat of Cockerel and Egg of Pullet Fed with Varying Levels of Moringa oleifera and Ocimum Gratissimum Leaf Meal Authors : Azeezah A. A., Adebayo Q., Ismaila A.R
Abstract :
Moringaoleifera and ocimumgratissimum are plants of medicinal importance, the leaves of these plants were included at varying level to the feed of Cockerel and Egg type chicken to determine their effect on quality of meat . The birds were fed from day old for 35weeks with varying dietary level of inclusions of the leaf meals from 0% inclusion to 1%. 0% serve as control. Some birds were fed with inclusion of moringaoleifera meal (MOLM) only; some were fed with ocimumgratissimum meal (OGLM) only, while others were fed with a mix of MOLM and OGLM. 0% inclusion has none of the leaf meal and it serves as the control. The inclusion of the leaves in the feed showed good effect on the quality of the meat and other qualities were better than the control. There were more of the fleshy/meaty part of the birds, the thigh and the breast while the small and large intestine, spleen and bone percentage were reduced. The percentage Gizzard, liver and muscles increased. The proximate composition of the meat show better percentage compared with the control and the minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, Iron and Magnesium contents were higher compared to control. The chilling and cooking loss were reduced in the meat from the bird fed with the inclusions. |
56-64 |
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Title : Multiple Taxation and Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) Financial Performance in Abuja, Nigeria Authors : Rita Tabet, Pauline E. Onyeukwu
Abstract :
The main objective of this study was to examine the impact of multiple- taxation on small and medium scale enterprise Finance performance, in Nigeria, particularly Abuja metropolis. This study, surveyed fifteen (15) selected SMEs within the Abuja metropolis precisely AMAC area, with a population of four hundred and fifteen (415) respondents and a sample size of two hundred (200), as calculated using RAOSOFT Sample Size Calculator. A total of two hundred (200) questionnaires were administered. One hundred and seventy-eight (178) copies representing (89%) of the questionnaire were properly completed and retrieved while twenty two (22) questionnaires representing (11%) were not retrieved. Primary source of data was used to gather information for the study and the main instrument of data collection was the questionnaire. The data were presented in tables as frequency distribution in the data analysis; the techniques of percentage frequencies were used. The hypotheses were tested using ANOVA (analysis of variance) at 5% significance level. Having analyzed the data, it was found that the majority of the respondents strongly agreed with all the questions posed with regards to the effects of multiple- taxation and disproportionate multiple- taxation on the finance performance of SMEs in Abuja. The study concluded that there is strong correlation between Multiple-taxation and the financial performance of SMEs in Abuja, Nigeria; there is also strong correlation between Disproportionate multiple taxation practices constitute a major challenge in the budgetary and planning performance of SMEs in Abuja, Nigeria. In view of these findings and conclusions, the researcher recommends, further studies on current taxation policies to ensure that they meet the criteria of good taxes according to Adam Smith in the wealth of nation. Training and awareness programs fortax agents, SMEs owners and theiremployees should be encouraged by the Nigerian Government. Comprehensive vetting of tax levies from government bodies and states by the federal government to weed out unnecessary multiple- taxation. Deregulation of disproportionate taxes to correlate with SMEs incomes. Consolidating all taxes as a lump paid directly to an assigned government account in correlation to income, after which the tax authorities can disseminate according to an agreed sharing ratio to various government purses instead of having multiple and closely related taxes at the same time. |
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Title : Evaluating Disaster Preparedness among University Learners: A Study of Ekiti State University, Ado- Ekiti, Nigeria Authors : Ogunleye O.I., Olusola J.A.
Abstract :
The research was carried out using purposeful and convectional sampling methods through self-administered questionnaire. The data were collected from 200 students from nine different faculties to evaluate their disaster preparedness. A total of 187 valid questionnaires were obtained from the respondents and analyzed. Consequently, it was established that disaster education, response and preparedness mechanisms in the studied area are very poor. Hence, a systemic disaster preparedness course on prevention and rescue drills is needed by the institution and by extension other universities. Moreover, in order to create a safe environment, there should be improvement in disaster education system in the universities. Disaster skills should be performed on a semester basis as a refresher and to enhance disaster preparedness. Adequate disaster preparedness equipment such as fire extinguisher, smoke detector etc should be provided by the management of the universities as well as creation of adequateevacuation routes, emergency exits and disaster supply kits. |
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Title : Immunization: It’s Relationship between Target Groups and Rivers State Yearly Total Population Using Linear Regression Authors : Macarthy Osuo-Genseleke, Kabari Ledisi G.
Abstract :
Infectious diseases are prevented through immunization. Rivers State consists of 23 Local Government Areas (LGAs). The State is classified into three Senatorial Districts; Rivers East, Rivers West and Rivers South East. The inhabitants of the state are randomly spread. Ikwerre, Port-Harcourt and Obio-Akpor are the heavily occupied LGAs in Rivers State. This paper gives an overview of Immunization with key interest in showcasing the relationship between persons that require immunization services in Rivers State and the States total population for year 2010 – 2018. Linear Regression, a supervised machine learning tool was used and MatLAB 2015a was used for simulation. |
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Title : Assessment of the Adequacy of Curriculum Content of Mechanical Technology Programme Implementation in Technical Colleges of Kaduna and Niger States, Nigeria
Authors : Ishaya Ibrahim Bature, Umar Abubakar
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to assess the adequacy of the curriculum content of mechanical technology programme implementation in technical colleges of Kaduna and Niger states, Nigeria. To conduct the study a research question was formulated. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The population was 61 comprising 49 mechanical technology teachers and 12 heads of department. There was no sampling as the population size was manageable. A structured questionnaire containing 67 items was used for data collection. The instrument was face validated by three experts. Mean was used to answer the one research question. One of the major findings of the study revealed that the curriculum content of mechanical technology was inadequate. The study recommended among others that the curriculum content of mechanical technology be reviewed in order to meet up with the present technological challenges affecting all facets of human endeavours globally. |
93-99 |
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Title : 2D Electrical Resistivity Prospecting For Groundwater At The Premises Of The Staff Quarters Of Elizade University, Ilara Mokin, Ondo State, Nigeria Authors : Alagbe O.A., Sanusi S.O, Bamigboye A.A
Abstract :
A shallow geophysical investigation for groundwater exploration using 2D electrical resistivity imaging was conducted at the Staff Quarters ofElizade University, Ilara-Mokin, Ondo state, Nigeria. This study was carried out with the aim of delineating areas with groundwater potentials in the study area. A total of four horizontal profiling using the Wenner array technique with varying length from 95 to 125m were established in the East-West and South-North directions of the study area. Qualitative interpretation was done by visual inspection of the pseudosections generated using the DIPPROTM software. The pseudosections revealed layers that were interpreted to be clay, sandy clay and clayey sand. Though these layers were not clearly divided, partly because of the inhomogeneous properties of the soil material. The overburden thickness was found to range from 2.5 to 25m and the resistivity of the fractured basement rock varies from 247 to 628Ωm. The fractured basements are interpreted as water bearing zones. A VES data acquired on traverse 2 near a failed borehole was interpreted and it was found out that the failure of the borehole may have been as a result of wrong location and probably not drilled to required depth. In general, the results show that groundwater exploration and development is feasible in the study area. |
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Title : Spiritual Capital and Organisational Resilience of Banks in Anambra State South-Eastern State of Nigeria Authors : Emecheta Bartholomew C., Awa Hart O.
Abstract :
This study investigates relationships between spiritual capital and organisational resilience of bank employees in Nigeria. The sample consisted of one hundred and ninety-eight (198) respondents from ten (10) purposively selected area offices of banks in Anambra State South- East geographical zone of Nigeria. The questionnaire was in 5 Likert type ordinal scales and the Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation Coefficient Statistical Technique in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used for data analyses. It was revealed that all facets of spiritual capital showed positive and significant relationship with both adaptability and flexibility orientations. Although other researchers dwelt more on how spiritual leaders motivate others, formulate models of trust, tolerance, courage, and forgiveness to strengthen and develop spiritual culture, but this study has established further that spiritual leaders could not only motivate subordinates for positive organisatonal outcomes but promote organisational resilience through its adaptive and flexibility capacity. When properly managed it promotes strong commitment of employees and shareholders for sharing wealth, disseminating knowledge, enhancing well-being of customers, thus engendering progress and collective well-being. Firms high in spiritual capital meet relatedness needs of employees inherent in Maslow’s model in terms of reciprocity, as organisational members expect atmosphere rich in interpersonal relationships and emotional support. Managers of banks should embrace these spiritual capital facets used in this study in their order of importance to promote adaptability and flexibility orientations and enhance organisations resilience, improve its reputation, healthy corporate culture, comradeship, teamwork, and motivated workforce, encourage discipline and justice and provide unique socially beneficial services for its members and customers. |
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Title : Utilisation of Social Media as Means of Promoting Library Services in Nigerian University Libraries Authors : Dr. Bamigboye Olusola Bamidele, Oduwole Olubunmi Kafilat, Ogunyinka Babatunde Akeem
Abstract :
This study examines the use of social media as a means of promoting library services in the Nigerian University libraries. The population of the study comprised of Library personnel e.g. Librarians, Library Officers and Library Assistants. The study covered 14 Nigerian University Libraries and 188 library personnel. Questionnaire was used for data collection. The instruments were grouped into four sections. Findings of the study revealed that Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter and Myspace were the social media tools that are mostly used for promoting library services in preference to other social media tools, findings of the study also revealed that Whatsapp, Facebook and Googleplus were the social media tools highly utilised and the study showed the effects of social media on library services. It increases the library’s patronage, to identify the information needs of users, to create awareness and reach out to new audience of potential users and to display library news and events. Some of the recommendations were that organisation of seminars, training and workshops on the use of appropriate social media tools to promoting library services in university libraries in Nigeria, library personnel in Nigerian university libraries should fully embraced social media utilization in promoting library services in Nigeria and libraries should have internet facilities and ICT skills in order to be able to utilise social media tools for promoting library and information products and services in university libraries in Nigeria. |
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Title : Referral Services under the National Health Insurance Scheme; a Hospital-Based Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study in Abuja, Nigeria Authors : Daramola O.E, Adesina C.T, Akande T.M
Abstract :
The goal of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) is to make adequate and affordable healthcare accessible to the Nigerian population through the three‑tier healthcare system. NHIS beneficiaries are enrolled in primary healthcare facilities, managed byprimary care physicians and general practitioners, and then referred to higher levels of care if the need arises. Referral is a process by which patient care is transferred from one health professional to another for necessary diagnostic and therapeutic interventions.Referral systems have been considered to be an important component of health systems, with primary care as the foundation. A descriptive cross sectional study was carried out among NHIS enrollees in University of Abuja Teaching Hospital (UATH), Gwagwalada, Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria,in July, 2018. It assessed patient satisfaction with the referral system and other related factors.Aninterviewer-administered questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale, developed by the researchers was used for this study. Data analysis was done using IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0. A total of 124 participants were included. The mean age was 38 ± 8.5 years, with females being 60.5%. Satisfaction with the referral procedure was 53.2%, while satisfaction with care received when referred was 67.7%. Main causes of dissatisfaction were referral approval delays and long appointment dates between referral and specialist consultation.More efforts are needed to advance the Nigerian healthcare delivery system, strengthen NHIS/HMOs operations,improvereferral process/execution and service provision, and address causes of dissatisfaction. |
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Title : Reduction of Unemployment in Nigeria through Agriculture (A Case Study of FCT Poultry Farming) Authors : Adams Oluwadamilola Kemi
Abstract :
Unemployment is one of the developmental problems that face Nigeria today and this can be reduced through agriculture, the study therefore aims to look into employment creation in Nigeria though agriculture (poultry farming), the general objective of the study was to examine the effect of Agriculture through poultry farming on self employment in the FCT, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were to: Describe the socio-economic characteristics of the poultry farmers in the FCT; Identify the challenges faced by poultry farmers in the FCT; and to Suggest the way forward to promoting employment in Nigeria through poultry farming. So, this study focuses on exploring the poultry farming business as the way to create employment in Nigeria. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire, several books, journals and other sources of information were use to assess the level and nature of employment in Nigeria. The poultry farming was expressively discussed for easy understanding of those who intend to go for the business. The data was interpreted using descriptive statistics and likert type scale was used for the analysis of the study. Finally, the whole finding were summarize, recommendations were made which include Government and all relevant stakeholders should continue in their quest towards reducing unemployment in making sure that agriculture continue to grow and provision of credit facilities to finance poultry farming. |
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