Volume 5 issue 2
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Title : Impact of Aluminium Extrusion Effluent on MBAA River in Inyishi Ikeduru Imo State Authors : Akhionbare Stella Maris O, Umunakwe John Boscos, Adindu Tochukwu M.
Abstract :
The study Impact of Aluminum Extrusion Effluent on the Mbaa River Inyishi Ikeduru Imo State. Was carried out in order to ascertain the current quality status of the river. Effluent samples from an Aluminum Extrusion company as well as water and sediment samples from the river were collected in March and June 2017 at four sampling point. Subsequently the Physicochemical quality of the river was studied by analyzing river water and sediment. The effluent discharged into Mbaa River in March showed that pH (8.84),Water Temperature (29.00),Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) (6.50mg/l),Sulphate(13.40mg/l),Nitrate(4.50mg/l),Zinc(3.876mg/l), Iron(0.780mg/l) and Chromium (0.15mg/l), levels all fell below maximum limits allowable by NESREA and hence meets working targets of the quality of effluents dischargeable into surface water. The waste water has a Total dissolved solids (TDS) (14,008.8mg/l), Total suspended solid (TSS) (7,003.00 mg/l), Chloride (2,081.00 mg/l), Aluminium (12.52 mg/l) and Nickel (8.650mg/l) which fell above NESREA limits , similar trend on limit was also observed in June with pH (5.27),Water Temperature (27.30),Biologica Oxygen Demand (BOD)(5.20mg/l),Sulphate(130.30mg/l),Nitrate(0.113mg/l),Zinc(0.703mg/l), Iron (0.157mg/l) and Chromium (0.131mg/l). The result on effect of discharged wastewater during the study period into Mbaa River showed that the effluent increased the water pH from 5.40 -7.20 (6.27 + 0.27), Turbidity ranged from 2.40 - 6.70 (4.84 + 0.58) NTU, Temperature ranged from 26.30 – 28.90 (27.76 + 0.33)OC, Cl ranged from 9.35 – 12. 05 (10. 36 + 0. 44) mg/l, BOD5 ranged from 2.10 – 2.50 (2. 29 + 0.48) mg/l, Ni ranged from 0.67 – 1.02 (0.85 + 0. 05) mg/l etc. Was compared with the standards set by NESREA both for the effluent and water samples, also the sediment samples for pH ranged from 4.24 – 6.01 (5.00 + 0.22), Ni ranged 0.45 – 27. 01 (12.2 + 4.19) mg/kg and Al ranged from 2.08 – 14.84 (7.48 + 1.48) mg/kg etc. All parameters were higher in sediments than in water samples for all stations. Thus variance of Descriptive statistics, special and temporal variation, the one way ANOVA test and student t-test was used. It was also observed from the trend analysis that the river capacity to assimilate effluent and be self-purified was not exceeded by the volume of the effluent discharged into it from the factory as its quality was nearly restored within the 1100m distance at Sample 3 and 4. It is recommended that since it takes about 1100m for the river to self-purify, the factory should provide an aerated lagoon/ stabilization pond to enable some biodegradation of the effluent prior to discharge, in order to shorten the distance before self-purification. It was also found out that careless disposal of the effluent should be discouraged and the need for each extruding industry to install a waste treatment plant with a view to treating waste before discharge into the stream is recommended. |
01-10 |
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Title : Utilization of Constructivist Instructional Method in Teaching Physics in Secondary Schools: Interaction Effects of Method and Location Authors : Anamezie Rose C.
Abstract :
In this study, the researcher investigated the interaction effects of method and location on academic achievement of secondary school physics students using constructivist teaching method. Pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group design was adopted. The study was conducted in Enugu North and East Local government Areas of Enugu state. The population of the study was 5,104 senior secondary one (SS1) Physics students. The sample size was 118 (60 males and 58 females). Stratified random sampling was used to draw two co-educational schools, one from Urban Schools and the other from rural schools. In each of the two schools sampled, two intact classes were randomly sampled from SS1 Physics students. One out of the two classes sampled was assigned to constructivist teaching method while control group was assigned to lecture method. Three research questions and three null hypotheses guided the study. The duration of the experiment lasted for four weeks. Data generated were analyzed using mean with standard deviation. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used in testing the hypothesis at P< 0.05. The results of the study showed that the students’ achievement in Physics was better when they were taught basic concept of electricity using constructivist teaching method than when they were taught using lecture method. The results also showed that location had a significant influence on academic achievement of Physics students in favour of urban schools. From the result of the study, significant (p<0.05) interaction effect due to method and location on students’ achievement in Physics was observed. Based on the findings some recommendations were made. |
11-15 |
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Title : The Contribution of FDI Inflows on High Technological Structure of Rwanda Manufactured Exports
Authors : Jean Claude UMUHIRE, Benitha MUTETERI
Abstract :
The contribution of Foreign Direct Investment inflows on High Technological Structure of Rwanda Manufactured Exports for the period 1987-2017. We used a Vector Autoregressive model, to analyze this relationship: determined the lag structure verified the stationarity of both series and explored co-integration and causality between High-technology manufactured exports, total exports value and Foreign Direct Investment inflows. Our findings established that a VAR (1) was the appropriate model and found that all variables have long-term or long-run equilibrium in Rwanda as confirmed by Tests of co-integration. Granger tests have suggested that technological structure of manufacturing and Foreign Direct Investment inflows are independent (no causality between them) for the Rwandan economy while Foreign Direct Investment inflows have a great contribution on Rwanda manufactured exports. The study also suggests that the policy regarding domestic efforts to enhance manufacturing exports needs reassessment in line with the FDI policy framework in order to reap maximum and long-term equilibrium. |
16-23 |
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Title : Pointing Bias in “Spatial Matched Filter†Beamforming at a Tri-Axial Velocity-Sensor due to Non-Perpendicular Axes
Authors : Chibuzo Joseph NNONYELU
Abstract :
This paper investigates how non-perpendicularity in a tri-axial velocity sensor would affect the tri-axial velocity-sensor's azimuth-elevation beam-pattern in terms of the beam's pointing direction and directivity. The vertical axis was adopted as the reference axis for the analysis and a rotation matrix developed to represent the non-perpendicularity in Euclidean space. The beampattern of this deformed tri-axial velocity sensor is then analytically studied. It was found that the non-perpendicularity does not affect the overall shape of the beampattern, but only introduces a pointing offset. Also, the non-perpendicularity imperfectionreduces the directivity of the imperfect triaxial velocity sensor relative to a perfect case. This finding developed in closed the pointing bias for the described deformity hence serves for non-iterative post data acquisition correction. |
24-29 |
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Title : Aerodynamic Characterisation of Rocket Fin Flutter Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Authors : Dr Nnorom Achara, Engr. Bongdap Nanbol Keza
Abstract :
In this study a theoretical flutter model has been used in MATLAB to obtain flutter speeds for subsequent use in ANSYS analysis. The geometry of the fin was created in Solid works CAD platform and exported to ANSYS fluent, where input of influence parameters were made and analyzed for aerodynamic pressures. These were then mapped to the structural fin in ANSYS mechanical and the resulting deformations viewed. The aerodynamic behaviors of rocket fin were studied and the results before the flutter speed, at the flutter regime and after the flutter speed were displayed. The aerodynamic pressure is found to be highest at the leading edge and the deformation turns from bending to torsion as the flutter speed increases. The post-critical flutter records the highest displacement. The work also showed the modal analysis of the rocket fin with the natural frequencies which were validated with data from Falcon V launch.
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