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Volume 16 Issue 2

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Title : A Paper on Sustainable Development

Authors : Jaiprakash Dabaria

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Abstract :

Sustainable development which is the development ensuring the needs of the present generation without compromising with the needs of the future generations. Sustainable development requires principle to manage resources, experienced and knowledgeable people meeting or setting goals with innovation, co-operation and agreement. It is difficult to make judgments about what indicators indicate that sustainable development has been achieved, or to decide how to weigh the importance of individual indicators, However, tracking progress of a set of indicators can give an impression on whether development is sustainable. The line drawn by people between the "RICH" and the "POOR" makes it more difficult to meet the needs to sustain resources and so the word "development" is being narrowed. What is to be sustained now and in the future is the Earth, its biodiversity and ecosystems. Sustainable development accounts both in GDP and in Human Development Index measures. The problem is the improper implementation of the laws that are made and the projects that are passed.
